Kyle Thorburn

Kyle Thorburn has been helping organizations implement Microsoft cloud solutions for the past 10 years. As Business Development Manager at Imaginet, he helps clients further adopt Office 365 and Azure across the enterprise.

Posts by Kyle Thorburn

eSignature Coming to SharePoint via Microsoft Syntex

Microsoft Syntex brings eSignature capabilities to SharePoint. Learn how this integration boosts productivity and efficiency.

Getting Ready for Copilot in M365 

Announcing Microsoft Copilot  Microsoft recently announced Co-Pilot, a new AI model that will allow users to leverage OpenAI’s Large Language Model (LLM), often known as ChatGPT, within M365. You can read all the specifics of the announcement here. Many of our M365 clients are excited about CoPilot and are asking us how best to prepare for the release of Microsoft CoPilot later this year.  The guidance we are giving them is based on this section of the product description:  “CoPilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded in the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — … Read more

How to use SharePoint to Manage Regulatory Compliance

Discover how to effectively manage regulatory compliance using SharePoint. Learn how a proper information architecture and site taxonomy can enhance search, collaboration, productivity, and compliance. Understand the steps to achieve compliance, including understanding requirements, developing policies, creating a compliance site, assigning ownership, and monitoring compliance. Stay compliant, avoid penalties, and ensure good data governance with SharePoint.

Microsoft Copilot for Power BI 

CoPilot is the ultimate Power BI companion. It helps you quickly and easily create stunning visuals, analyze data, and share insights with your team. With CoPilot, you can take your Power BI experience to the next level.

Using Microsoft Power BI – Business Data Analytics for Better Reporting

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that helps you make better decisions with data-driven insights. With Power BI, you can easily create interactive reports and dashboards to visualize your data and share it with your team. Get started today and unlock

Preparing for Next Level Knowledge Management in Microsoft Office 365 – Project Cortex

Get ready for the future of knowledge management with Microsoft Office 365 Project Cortex. With this powerful tool, you can easily organize and share information across your organization, enabling teams to work smarter and faster. Unlock the potential of your data with Project Cortex.

7 Rapid Ways to Maximize Business Process Automation with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 provides powerful tools to help businesses automate their processes. Learn how to use M365 to streamline your workflow, reduce manual labor, and increase efficiency. Discover the 7 best ways to maximize business process automation with M365 today.

A day in the life of remote working Imaginet employee

Looking back at Imaginet’s 25+ year history, there are number of reasons why remote working has become a standard for us. Learn more about business pruductivity and remote working trends.

Business Process Automation with Microsoft 365

Streamline your business processes with Microsoft 365. Automate tasks, reduce manual work, and increase efficiency with powerful tools like Power Automate and Power Apps. Get started today and unlock the potential of your business.