Are You Cyber Safe? Protect Your Microsoft 365 Products from Online Threats – Part 2

Last week, we published a blog that provided tips for protecting your Microsoft 365 products against malicious cyber threats. Cybersecurity is not something to take lightly, and with technology constantly evolving, it is important to understand how you can protect your organization’s sensitive information.   There is no such thing as being overly cautious or engaging in too much cyber security. We recommend doing everything you can to protect your organization’s online information. Online threats are lurking everywhere, and far too many people adopt an “it will never happen to me” mentality. The reality is it can happen, and it does, so it is always best to diversify your safety … Read more

The Imaginet Difference – Application Development Approach – Part Three: Development, Implementation, Stabilization, & Delivery

Learn how Microsoft is using number matching in their Authenticator App to improve the security of personal information. Discover how number matching is one of the best ways to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity and reduce risks of online threats.

The Imaginet Difference – Application Development Approach – Part Two: Analysis & Design

Learn how Microsoft is using number matching in their Authenticator App to improve the security of personal information. Discover how number matching is one of the best ways to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity and reduce risks of online threats.

The Imaginet Difference – Application Development Approach – Part One: Assessment, Planning, and Scheduling 

Learn how Microsoft is using number matching in their Authenticator App to improve the security of personal information. Discover how number matching is one of the best ways to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity and reduce risks of online threats.